It's getting down to the wire and all of the groups have been working hard every night. I, personally, have been working with our Operator Interface Control and the Boot/Ball Handler groups. These guys are most definitely working hard to get it together for some testing before we ship. Since I don't know much about building, I have been lurking around the back room, soaking up all the knowledge I can get.
Well, it's not as simple as screwing things in and nailing other stuff down, that's for sure. Building takes a lot of creativity and compromise, as well as a good knowledge of all the tools and lots of tricks. The mentors are helping immensely with their tips and tricks, while also passing them on. Everyone is most definitely getting a chance to do something in all the groups, because I know I have, and I didn't know anything about building robots, or anything for that matter. I have aided all of the groups in some way or another in the past few weeks. With Programming I helped solder I.R. Sensors, which was a great learning experience, thanks to Gage. The Electrical Group has been working on the Operator Interface, and that's what I have been doing most recently. We are making a Control board for the competitions that contains the joysticks, emergency buttons, buttons for the arm, and there will be more added as we go. And finally, the Mechanical group needed my help with the gaskets.
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