AERIAL ASSIST is played by two competing Alliances of three robots each on a flat 25’ x 54’ foot field, straddled by a truss suspended just over five feet above the floor. The objective is to score as many balls in goals as possible during a two (2)-minute and 30-second match. The more Alliances score their ball in their goals, and the more they work together to do it, the more points their Alliance receives.
Information is courtesy of, and available on the FIRST Robotics Competition Website. |
2014 Day-After Kickoff WorkshopsThe EngiNERDs are hosting the Third Annual "Day After Kickoff Workshops" at Kettering University on January 5th.
Workshops will include "Strategy Dictates Design" in the morning, and "Kit of Parts Chassis Build" (mechanical, electrical and programming assembly of the KoP frame), and a "Team Organization" Workshops in the afternoon. |
X-Fire Visits Grand Blanc Farmer's Market

Fresh fruits and vegetables aren't the only thing popping up at the Grand Blanc Farmer's Market. Thanks to FIRST Robotics Team 2337 - The EngiNERDs, respect for science, technology, engineering and math are also growing.
Members of the Grand Blanc community and surrounding areas got a chance to drive X-Fire, the Team's 2013 Michigan State Championship Finalist Robot, and learn about the great programs that FIRST has to offer for engineers of all ages.
More information on the Grand Blanc Farmer's Market can be found on their Facebook Page.
Members of the Grand Blanc community and surrounding areas got a chance to drive X-Fire, the Team's 2013 Michigan State Championship Finalist Robot, and learn about the great programs that FIRST has to offer for engineers of all ages.
More information on the Grand Blanc Farmer's Market can be found on their Facebook Page.
Extra Life - Play Video Games to Raise Money for Local Kids!Each year, as part of our efforts to give back to the Community, we participate in Extra Life. The concept is kind-of like Relay for Life, because you create a Team that stays awake for 24 hours to raise money for an great cause, but we take it to the next level. We play video games for 24 hours for Children's Miracle Network at Hurley Hospital in Flint through an awesome organization, Extra Life.
This year, our students, mentors, parents, family, and friends hosted a huge LAN and Board Game party at Premier,and raised raising nearly $2,950.00 for Hurley. Our fundraising account is open through the end of the year. |
Now Open! Off-Season VEX Program - Toss up!Team 2337 will be participating in the 2013-2014 VEX Robotics game, Toss Up!
VEX is open to both new and returning Team Members, as well as middle schoolers interested in joining the Team once they're in High School The off-season VEX program will include in introduction to the EngiNERDs, as well as several inter-Team challenges and competitions. Meetings take place from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the summer and fall, at Premier Tooling Systems. |
Robot Boot CampRobot Boot Camp is an annual informational "crash-course" provided by Team 2337. Other FIRST Teams are invited to attend a three-day, centered-learning style training session on more than 30 areas of Robotics, including welding, fire safety, mechanical, electrical, machining, scouting, strategy and much more.
Robot Boot Camp is most beneficial to new members who are unfamiliar with the FIRST Robotics Program, but also benefits veteran members by providing a broad overview. |
summer and fall eventsLook for the EngiNERDs throughout the Grand Blanc Community and beyond this summer and fall.
We'll be demonstrating the robot, discussing the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education and raising awareness for local organizations in need. |